FAQ - Email templates
Q: Can we do some simple changes to the imagery / logo / colour use? Or is this all controlled in Odyssey?
A: You can provide us with your own imagery / logo / colours to use in your MailJet templates. These templates are created in MailJet, and there is plenty of scope for you to suggest your own colours (please provide us with your official HEX colours), and supply your branded artwork, logo, etc.
Q: At what point do we ask the customer to complete their customer details form? Can we add a link to the form in the Welcome email? Should I go ahead and create a Cognito Forms account?
A: Yes, we would suggest you want to gather the info from the client as early in the process as possible, so a link in the Welcome email would be ideal.
No, you don’t have to create your own Cognito Forms account, we need to do that, and configure it to work with Odyssey and MailJet.
Q: Where can the customer see the Terms and Conditions of the booking? (eg. should I add a link to our T&C's on our website?)
A: We do recommend that our clients add things like a standard T&C’s page to their website, as well as pages for suggested gear/packing lists, etc. The pages don’t need to be on the published site, just available as a URL which you provide us with. We can then add a button to your email/s, with a link to that page on your website.
Q: Do we ask customers to sign the waiver in the emails? Or is this built into the forms section?
A: The waiver appears in the clients browser when they click on a "Complete the Waiver" button in an email you send them. The button takes them to the Cognito Forms online waiver form, which will be pre-populated with any information held for this client in Odyssey. You can have some input into what this form looks like, your own logo, colours, background, banner heading etc. The client completes the form online, and then clicks Submit. Odyssey then gets automatically updated, and you receive an email to say the Waiver has been completed. You do need to have the Cognito Forms Advanced module - If you don't have that advanced module, please contact us :-)
Q: Do the emails dynamically populate the trip name, region, cost etc?
So we find that 10 customer service emails, 10 finance emails, etc is usually more than enough.
Q: With the Booking Confirmed email, does the customer have an option to view their booking? eg. a pdf attachment or itinerary summary or similar?
A: When you send a booking confirmation email, you have the option of attaching a paperwork report called “Booking Form”. Here's a copy of ours from our Demo system, but yours will be repopulated with your company logo and colours. There is also a screenshot to show you where to find the booking form.