Email Merge Tags

Odyssey has many fields which can be incorporated directly within your email template, or they can be used when creating 'rules' for elements within your email.  Eg: When to show/hide pictures or text.  Listed below are the names of the merge tags you can utilise within the various CRM email messages you construct in MailJet.

The following merge tags are available for any client facing email:

 {{var:L1Code:""}} Short code for the eg: 'Category' relating to the 'Booking' for this 'Client'.  This is mainly used to format 'hide/show' rules within an email.  Allowing for relevant pictures and text to display.
{{var:L1Description:""}} The description of this eg: 'Category' or Trail or Country
{{var:CoyCode:""}} This is generated by Odyssey, and is the short code for your company
{{var:L1Location:""}} Usually a single word for the eg: town/city when used to construct dynamic sentences within the email.

{{var:L2Code:""}} Short code for the eg: 'Trip Master'
{{var:L2Description:""}} The description of this eg: 'Trip Master' 
{{var:MeetsMinPax:""}} The minimum 'Booking' numbers have been meet.  1 = This 'Departure' will proceed. 0 = Does not meet min Pax required.  Used so that a MailJet condition can test if the min pax number has been met.  
{{var:L2Code2Char:""}} This variable is specifically designed to make email content available to all trips based on the first TWO characters of a Master trip code
{{var:L3Code:""}} The short code for this eg: 'Departure',
{{var:L3Description:""}} The description for this 'Departure'
{{var:L3Time:""}} A Time value to include in messaging.  (This is not the briefing time field, but a separate field on the Departure | Email | Service Content page)
{{var:L3Start:""}} A short description of the Start of the 'Departure', from the Email Comms tab. Typically a 'large text block' for DESCRIBING the location and what to expect regarding the Starting of the trip.  Departure | Emails | Service | Start
{{var:L3Grading:""}} A description of the Grading of this 'Departure'.  Departure | Emails | Service | Grading
{{var:L3Meeting:""}} A block of text describing the meeting location for the 'Departure'.  Departure | Emails | COMMS Content | Start/Meeting Service | Meeting
{{var:L3End:""}} Descriptive details about where a Departure ends.  Departure | Emails | Service | Meeting Time
{{var:L3PaxList:""}} A list of First and last names of the 'Clients' on this 'Departure'
{{var:L3AssetList:""}} This lists the Models of bikes which have been allocated to clients within a Departure/Trip
{{var:L3Commission:""}} The total of all Commission values for this Trip/Departure

The Net Value of this Trip/Departure, after Commission has been deducted
{{var:L3PAX:""}} A Count of the total PAX/'Clients' on this 'Departure'
{{var:L3GuideList:""}} A list of Guide names assigned to this Departure, including their mobile number if that is entered
{{var:OdyTripsRef:""}} The Reference to use in the Ody Trips App
{{var:L3Duration:""}} The number of days of the Departure. Note this does not include prior days
{{var:L3Region:""}} The Region of this Departure, from the Departure | Daily Location | Itinerary | Region/Province/Territory field
{{var:L3Routes:""}} The Daily locations directions map pin button for containing links inks for Ride with GPS, must say https://xxxxx.xxxx./xxx
{{var:L3PAXBooked:""}} A count of Passengers actually booked with this Provider (not Tour PAX count)
{{var:L3Inclusions:""}} Adds the Tour | Details | Inclusions text

 {{var:L4Ref:""}} 'Booking' Reference, for this 'Client' for their 'Booking'
{{var:L4FreeText1:""}} Free flow text (From field on Booking | Details | Sharing Freeflow text 1 field.  The button on the right populates this field)
{{var:L4FreeText2:""}} Free flow text (From field on Booking | Details | Sharing Freeflow text 2 field.  The button on the right populates this field)
{{var:L4FreeText3:""}} Free flow text (From field on Booking | Details | Sharing Freeflow text 3 field.  The button on the right populates this field)
{{var:PayerDeposit:""}} The amount of money paid by this Client either for themselves, or all the clients they are paying for
{{var:L4BalancesList:""}} The amount of money owed by all clients on this trip
{{var:L4PaymentsList:""}} A list of the Names and total amounts which have been paid to date
{{var:L4Payments:""}} The total of all Payments made/entered to date for this 'Client' for their 'Booking'
{{var:L4AssetAllList:""}} this will display each client’s name and the Bike, Extras & Accessories that have been allocated to them. ?? Sep 24, is this now a string, rather than a list, while waiting to be resolved with MJ? ticket #4478
{{var:L4BalOwingPayer:""}} The Balance Owing by this 'Client' for all of the 'Bookings' combined, where they have been defined as the Payer
{{var:PayerAllCosts:""}} The sum of all costs relating to all 'Clients' being paid by the allocated Payer

The First name of the 'Client'. NOTE: If a preferred name has been entered, Odyssey will do a calculation and 'fill-in' the Preferred name.

This field can be added onto the button for the Cognito Forms Client Details link. An update to the script for this merge tag may need to be pushed to older client Ody files to allow this.

{{var:LastName:""}} The Last name / Surname of the 'Client'
{{var:IntroText:""}} Freeflow text entered entered at the time of sending the email, to allow for personalised or client specific comments prior to the generated email being sent.   This block of text should sit at the beginning of constructed email
{{var:FooterText:""}} Freeflow text entered entered at the time of sending the email, to allow for personalised or client specific comments prior to the generated email being sent.   This block of text should sit at the end of constructed email
{{var:Height:""}} The height of the 'Client'
{{var:AssetName:""}} Description of the [ eg: Bike / Kayak ] being hired
{{var:L4Room:""}} 'Booking' Room preference for this 'Client' for their 'Booking'  Used by our customers who use Generic Accommodation types, set on the Booking | Details | Sharing tab
{{var:SharingWith:""}} A list of names this person is sharing a room with
{{var:PayerName:""}} The name of the Payer for this booking
{{var:PayeeList:""}} A list of names the payer is paying for

Client Room Sharing list

Client AccommodationGeneric Selections
{{var:L4Organiser:""}} The Departure/Tour organiser indicated on each Tour; this mergetag should only be used where our clients indicate ONE organiser per tour, not multiple
{{var:L4AllCosts:""}} All costs for this tour for this one booking
{{var:L4CommsList:""}} for use with clients using Cognito Forms. This merge tag produces a list of Client Names (where known) and adds a list of hyperlinks to the MailJet template, where the "organiser" receives a list of those clients on their email template and can populate their guests names and email addresses. For this conditional section to appear, the rule requires L4CommsTest rule to be in place, as below.
{{var:L4CommsTest:""}} This is mergetag field required for the Conditional Rule, to make the section containing the L4CommsList appear or not appear. field 67. Show this section If L4CommsTest does not equal hide
{{var:L4RoomSummary:""}} A summary of the specific rooms requested and a count of them
{{var:L4RoomingSelections:""}} A list of each specific room type booked, with the name of the client/client's sharing that specific room
{{var:L4PayerNamesKXY:""}} showing the equipment hired by the PayeeList
{{var:L5DietaryList:""}} A list of dietary requirements of each client
{{var:Country:""}} 'Client's' country
{{var:PayeeListValues:""}} For the PAYER, this is a list of each PAYEE'S grand total costs (at the start of the trip) (not balances)
{{var:DateStart:""}} The date this 'Departure' will START
{{var:DateEnd:""}} The date this 'Departure' will END
{{var:DayDateEnd:""}} The 3 letter version of the Day of the week for DateEnd, eg; 'Wed' or 'Thu"; only the day is meant to show
{{var:DateDay1:""}} The date of Day ONE for this 'Departure'.  The day of the week will not be used.  
{{var:DayDay1:""}} The 3 letter version of the Day of the week for DateDay1, eg; 'Wed' or 'Thu"
{{var:DayDateStart:""}} The 3 letter version of the Day of the week for DateStart, eg; 'Wed' or 'Thu"
{{var:DateDay1USA:""}} The date of Day ONE in USA format for this 'Departure'.  The day of the week will not be used.  
{{var:DateStartUSA:""}} DateStartUSA - The date in USA format this 'Departure' will START
{{var:DateEndUSA:""}} DateEndUSA - The 3 letter version of the Day of the week in USA format for DateEnd, eg; 'Wed' or 'Thu"; only the day is meant to show

{{var:StaffEmail:""}} StaffEmail - The Email of the signed in staff member 
{{var:StaffFirstName:""}} StaffFirstName - The First Name of the signed in staff member 
{{var:StaffLastName:""}} StaffLastName - The Last Name of the signed in staff member 
{{var:StaffDepartment:""}} StaffDepartment - The Department of the signed in staff member 

The following Merge tags are available for any Provider email

{{var:IntroText:""}} Freeflow text entered entered at the time of sending the email, to allow for personalised or client specific comments prior to the generated email being sent.   This block of text should sit at the beginning of constructed email
{{var:FooterText:""}} Freeflow text entered entered at the time of sending the email, to allow for personalised or client specific comments prior to the generated email being sent.   This block of text should sit at the end of constructed email
{{var:CoyCode:""}} This is generated by Odyssey, and is the short code for your company
{{var:L1Code:""}} Short code for the eg: 'Category' relating to the 'Booking' for this 'Client'.  This is mainly used to format 'hide/show' rules within an email.  Allowing for relevant pictures and text to display.
{{var:L1Description:""}} The description of this eg: 'Category' 
{{var:L2Code:""}} Short code for the eg: 'Trip Master'
{{var:L2Description:""}} The description of this eg: 'Trip Master' 
{{var:L3Description:""}} The description for this 'Departure'
{{var:L3Code:""}} Short code for this eg: 'Departure'
{{var:L3PStatus:""}} Provider Task Status eg: 'Confirmed', 'Waitlisted', 'Cancelled'
{{var:DateStart:""}} The date this 'Departure' will start
{{var:DayDateStart:""}} The 3 letter version of the Day of the week for DateStart, eg; 'Wed' or 'Thu"
{{var:ProviderName:""}} Provider Company Name
{{var:ContactName:""}} Provider Contact Name
{{var:DateAtProvider:""}} The actual date Booked at this Provider
{{var:DayDateAt:""}} The 3 letter version of the Day of the week for DateAtProvider, eg; 'Wed' or 'Thu"
{{var:DateAtLong:""}} Long Date Format. Used with DateAtCheckOutLong to show the Provider in one email what date the client checks in, and then out, so no need to send multiple emails to the provider if the client is staying for multiple days
{{var:DateAtCheckOut:""}} Used with DateAtLong to show the Provider in one email what date the client checks in, and then out, so no need to send multiple emails to the provider if the client is staying for multiple days
{{var:DateAtCheckOutLong:""}} Long Date Format. Used with DateAtLong to show the Provider in one email what date the client checks in, and then out, so no need to send multiple emails to the provider if the client is staying for multiple days
{{var:CheckOutTime:""}} Provider Check out time
{{var:ProductTime:""}} Provider Check in time

{{var:Season:""}} Used with 'Combined' Departures for a selected Season
{{var:RoomsRequired:""}} MergeTag: RoomsRequired = L4 level Generic Accomm selections, shown as a list format.
{{var:InitialRooms:""}} The number of room first requested as part of the Provider Booking
{{var:L3Pax:""}} A Count of the total PAX/'Clients' on this 'Departure'
{{var:L3PaxList:""}} A list of Names for this L3
{{var:L3GroupType :""}}
{{var:ProviderType:""}} Your Labels for these: Eg: Accommodation, Activity, Transport, Meals, Other. PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5.

MergeTag: ProviderProduct = L3 level Product selected for the whole Tour

We do NOT have a Mergetag for the ACTUAL L4 Provider Products selected, as that’s only shown on the Rooming List PDF, they can send as an attachment.Seems we do NOT offer a MergeTag of ACTUAL rooms…

{{var:Meal:""}} Provider Meal Product
{{var:L5DietaryList:""}} A list of Names and their dietary requirements for this L3


This is NOT a specific Merge tag, but a combination of 1 merge tag & 2 fields from Odyssey.

L3Code + MailJet Template Short Description + Company Name,  Which might look like: [ CSATM3 - Balance payment required - Bill's Cycle Tours ]

URL's for use on BUTTONS

URLs (website addresses ) when used as the link on a button, eg: [ Update your info ] which then takes the user to a separate website, need to be handled slightly differently.  They will be entered on the button url path as eg: {{data:urlformagree}}  Note: it must be entered exactly.  

Please refer to the MailJet template configuration page for specific details.

{{var:L3URL1:""}} URL field 1, Product Details This is full URL path used on Departure | Email | Service Content | URLs field. By entering a URL in this location on the Departure, you are able to include Departure specific URL's, for example to the cancellation policy for this trip,
{{var:L3URL2:""}} URL field 2, Product Downloadable The full URL path for extra content.  This can be useful to provide eg: a link for Downloadable content , such as a .pdf brochure on this scheduled departure or trip,
{{var:L3URL3:""}} URL field 3, Ride with GPS The full URL path for extra content.  This can be useful to provide eg: a link for Downloadable content
{{var:L3URL4:""}} URL field 4, Survey
{{var:L3URL5:""}} URL field 5, Photo Sharing Designed to show the full URL path of a departure specific link to a photo gallery for your clients to upload photos of their adventure to share with other clients.
{{var:L3URL6:""}} URL field 6, WhatsApp - Social Media
{{var:L3URL :""}} URL field 7, Meal Link

Cognito Form Links for use on BUTTONS

When the Advance module of online forms is being used, these following merge tags will provide URL links to a 'Client's' personalised online form. It will be pre-populated with any existing related data held in Odyssey for that 'Client'.

{{var:urlformpersonal:""}} Various 'Client' details eg: Address, Diet
{{var:urlformagree:""}} Agreement form with online Signature ability
{{var:firstname:""}} For use on a button label, to identify whose Cognito Form will be viewed

New merge tags coming up: