Email settings - Naming email templates

Name each of the Email Templates

See the Help Scout page on Admin Settings to learn how to find and change these settings 

Go to Main Menu | Admin | Email settings. The Email Template records in this area, are the records that connect Odyssey to the email templates which have been set up in MailJet (the external email provider) and which configure when the email should be sent, if and how it should be monitored, hover text and an image of the email template.

There are 40 email templates in total, available to be configured for use within Odyssey.

  • 10 x Customer Service related templates
  • 10 x Financial related templates
  • 10 x Provider related templates 
  • 10 x Depot/Operational templates
  • 10 x Enquiry related templates

These can all be accessed under the Administration main menu, or they are also available under each of their respective Main menus.

Coming soon:

  • 10 x Staff related templates
  • 10 x Agent/Operator related templates

  • From the Main Menu | Admin | Email settings

Main Menu | Admin | Email settings
  • Clicking on any of the email types will present a list of up to 10 email templates for that category

Customer Service Email templates

The list view will provide an overview of:

  • Description of the template
  • The number of days that sending a message is 'off-set' ( desired to be sent ) from the departure date  eg: 7 = 7 Days AFTER the end date of the Booking, -5 = 5 days before the Booking Start Date
  • The Sender email address, and the Reply to email address fields
  • whether the email is set to automatically send based on the rules
  • MailJet Template ID = this is the ID of the template that has been created within the 3rd Party solution, MailJet, which is where the formatting of the final HTML email has been constructed  
The MailJet Template ID, which is used to connect it to Odyssey

More info on how to format these HTML emails can be found in the MailJet Email Formatting topic.

  • The Provider template screen has one extra field, "Bulk".  A Bulk email is where that particular email will search for all Departures for that Provider, and send them an Odyssey created PDF as an attachment.  This is used in scenarios where you are sending a provider a list of ALL pre season's bookings combined, or a list of all known cancellations, etc.  These bulk emails are sent from the Provider's email tab, not from the usual Departure/Trip email tab.

Clicking on any one of these 10 template descriptions will open an editing window to allow changes to be made.

Short Description: This field is used to help you identify the email template being selected, when sending emails from the Departure | Email tab 

Subject - Used as PART of: This field forms part of the subject line of the email that is sent to your client, or provider

Description: This field provides the content that is displayed when you hover over an email template, at the Departure Email tab.  The hover text provides useful, descriptive information regarding the content of the email, .e.g. if there is a link to a form, if there is a personalised intro text field.

Description field: This fields provides the content of the hover text field when a user is hovering over an email template name at the time of sending an email.

Image:  Take a screenshot of your email, and drag the screenshot into this field.  When you send an email, clicking on the template name will display this image in a new tab, so that you can be absolutely confident that you are sending the correct email. Note that this is not a live connection between MailJet and Odyssey, and will never show the 'compiled' email.

Sender email address: If you wish all outgoing emails to go to the recipient from a specific centralised email address, enter that email address here. This will then override the setting which uses the logged in user's email address as the sender name.

Reply to email address: If you wish the reply to email address used by default when a client replies to one of your emails, to be a centralised email address, enter that email address here. This will then override the setting which uses the Odyssey logged in user's email address as the "reply to" address. If automatic sending has been set for this email template, this field will be highlighted a peachy colour if not entered, as it is a required field

MailJetID: This is the ID of the template that you set up in MailJet.  Copy and paste the ID into here.  Without a MailJet ID in this field, a tick box will not appear when you want to send an email

Automatic: Some emails can be sent automatically, based on certain rules. Learn more about this setting here. Tick this box if you wish Odyssey to AUTOMATICALLY send emails based on the rules provided by the Offset Days and Offset Based On settings, below.

BCC: Send a Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) when this email is sent automatically

Online Form: if the email template contains a Cognito Forms button, tick this tickbox, to ensure the Odyssey data gets a refresh step before the email is sent.

Offset Days: Used for email monitoring, when an alert is required, and also to create a condition used in the automatic sending of emails.  Enter a minus number, (-3), to indicate the number of days before the Departure Date, End date, or booking date.  Or a positive number to indicate the number of days after those dates.  Learn more below.  

Offset Based on: Used for email monitoring, when an alert is required, and also to create a condition used in the automatic sending of emails. Set whether your alert should be based on the set number of days prior to, or after, Departure Date, End date, or booking date.  e.g. a satisfaction survey email might be due to be sent say within 7 days of a Departure end date, yet a deposit required email might be due to be sent within 7 days of a booking date 

Emails become overdue to be sent based on the calculation of

a) The number of offset days entered in each email template.  (if using a minus figure, this number of days will be taken off the date you enter)

b) and the monitoring date selection made (Departure Start Date, Departure End date, or booking date, enquiry date, or provider date)


  • if a survey email needs to be sent 10 days after the Departure end date, use 10 offset days and select  Departure end date
  • if a deposit email must be sent 45 days prior to the Departure start date, use -45 offset days, and select Departure start date 

Offset days are based on

  • For Booking, Finance and Operational Emails, the monitoring can occur based on Departure Start Date, Departure End date, or booking date.
  • For Enquiry emails, monitoring is based on Enquiry date
  • For Provider emails, monitoring is based on the Date at the Provider

Learn more about monitoring overdue emails Here