Admin Settings

Odyssey is highly customisable, so in this area you are able to define the terms your business prefers to use when making bookings.  The items you put in these lists determine the descriptions in drop down lists.

To view and edit Admin Settings

  • from the Main Menu, click on Admin | Settings

Main Menu, Admin settings

  • There are multiple settings pages:







Data and Reporting Structure (Your data structure)

API Settings (interface with other Apps)

  • If necessary, click the right or left navigation arrows <  > either side of the settings heading to find the Settings area you wish to review.  In this example, we are looking at the 'Booking Settings' screen

In every settings screen there are some common elements:

To add another item to a drop down list
  • click the '+' button in the bottom left of that screen, as in the example below '+ Method'

To switch an item off 
  • if you no longer require it in your list, you must archive it.  It can’t be deleted, as it may hold some records against it.  
  • Click on an item to open up the following dialogue box, and change the ‘setting status’ to ‘archived’.

To hide or show this drop down list
  • Toggle the Show/Hide button on or off