How do I set up room sharing, and communicating that to Accommodation Providers?
Odyssey allows you to specify who is sharing a room with who, in order to pass the correct information on to accommodation providers, and to calculate rooming costs accurately.
Room Sharing
- After creating the Tour, and adding the clients, at Tour level go to the Connections tab
- from the Tour level | Provider | selected Provider | Room Sharing tab
- For each client who is sharing a room with another, click in the "Room Sharing instance" drop down list, and and select a unique room sharing number.
- Repeat the same process for the second person sharing the room, using that same room sharing instance number
- Here, Mandy is going to share with Andy in Room Sharing Instance 1, Callum is in a room on his own in Room Sharing instance 2, and Tanya and Al are in Room Sharing Instance 3.
- Each "couple" or "group" who are sharing a room instance, will be assigned a new colour automatically
At booking level
The same view of Tour level connections, is also accessible at Booking level - there is no need to make booking level specific changes, unless you are making Provider specific room selections for each booking.
Accommodation Preferences
If you are using "generic" accommodation preferences to communicate with your provider:
select the accommodation preference from the drop down list on the Connections view
NOTE: Some Odyssey clients only communicate this generic accommodation preference to their Accommodation Provider. A merge tag in an email to the Provider can specify which generic room types are required for this Departure/Tour.
Accommodation Preferences
If you are using Provider specific room types to communicate with your provider, these selections can be made at either the Tour | Provider | Accommodation level, or the Booking | Provider | Accommodation level - the same window is used.
- From the Tour or Booking level | Provider | Accommodation | Details | Client Selections tab, select the specific room type
- Select the number of people sharing the room; you are looking to ensure that if there are two people sharing a room, each person is representing 50% of that room.
- For clients who are not room sharing, there is no need to make any change to their sharing tab; here Callum is not sharing with anyone
Provider Rooming Lists (to attach to emails)
Now, if you have chosen specific room types for all of your bookings, the Provider Rooming List from the Tour | Output menu, the report will look like this:
- Firstly, generate the attachments by going to the Departure | Output menu
- select Rooming List - Selected
- you will be advised that the Rooming List attachments for each Provider will be available shortly, click OK
- These can now (optionally) be viewed or downloaded, but are ready to be attached to the email you send to the Provider.
- When sending an email to the Provider, simply click the tickbox for "Selected rooming list attachment" and each provider will automatically receive the correct rooming list alongside their email.
Learn more about the Communicator field here
Learn more about Provider rooming list and other outputs here