Creating and Managing Client records

Client records are stored in Odyssey for future use.  

This means it makes it faster to add the client onto another Departure/Trip, it's very useful from a searching and reporting point of view (e.g. how many clients in the age bracket 50-59 hired an ebike this season), and the contact details can be targeted for marketing campaigns.

There are three methods to begin adding a new client:

1.  From the Main Odyssey Menu, select Clients, then click on the "+ Client" button

  • Perform a search to ensure the client doesn't already exist in your system, by typing the client's name in the search box, circled in red below

  • If the client exists already, click on the record of the client you want to select. If they don't appear in the list, then follow the instructions in the next section below, 'Details'


2.  Alternatively, From the Main Odyssey Menu, choose List from the Clients Menu

  • Click Search to open the 'Search previous clients' screen, and begin entering the client's name

  • A list of existing clients appears, which you can quickly search to see if your client is already in the system. 

  • If the client exists already, click on the record of the client you want to select.  You will be taken to the Client Details screen.  Otherwise, add a new client record, by clicking the '+ Client' button

3.  When you have a Departure/Trip open, and add a new Booking/Passenger.  First, Odyssey will ask you to search for an existing client in your database.  

If the client appears in your list, select them.

If they are not a previous client, then click the "Not a previous Client?" button, to Add them now.  This allows you to quickly enter key information for your client, in order to get them into your booking quickly. You can then go back once the booking is completed, to fill in the other client details as you obtain them, as described in step 1 or 2 above.


You are taken to a blank 'Client Details' screen.  

Enter the Client's Title from the drop down list, their First and Last name, and optionally, whether they are a returning client. (This could be useful from a reporting perspective).  

Enter their main/mobile  phone number.  

Notice that when you hover over the speech bubble beside the mobile number, the speech bubble turns red, and a window appears allowing you to automatically send a SMS message to that client.  This is an advanced function, which not all Odyssey customers take advantage of.  

Enter the client's Gender from the drop down list

Enter the Client's email address; and ensure it gets the tick that it's a valid email address

The  age field is automatically calculated from the Date of Birth field on the Personal tab

Select the Client's  occupation from the drop down list

Tick the  Newsletter box if they are interested in receiving the newsletter

A client's  Status can be changed from Active to Non Active.  For example, a client could be made 'Inactive' if they have been set up in the system twice accidentally.  

The Client Details screen should now look something like this:

Navigate across the other tabs, completing any other details that you have to hand.  


Enter a Date of Birth, in the format dd/mm/yy.   This date of birth field is then used to calculate the client's age, in the next field, and also on the Details screen.

Add an alternate phone number, if available, and a secondary email address, if available

Enter the client's physical address details 


Enter the Client's known Medical conditions in the text field

Enter the Client's known Medications in the text field

Enter the Client's known Dietary Requirements in the text field

Select the Client's Fitness level from the Drop down list 

Select the Client's Weight from the Drop down list 

Select the Client's Height from the Drop down list 

Note:  All the drop down lists used in these screens can be managed from the Main Menu | Administration | Settings area.  Learn more about settings here


Complete all the emergency details you have available, choosing a Relationship from the dropdown list  


If this client already has Bookings in their name, you can view a list of them, and their Status from the Client | Bookings tab.  Click on a booking to go directly to the Booking.


Any Payments made by the client will be visible in the Client’s Payments tab.  Here we can see the relevant departure shortcode, the type of payment it is along with the amount, and date of the payment.