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Resource - Vehicles

Vehicle Management is controlled from the Main Menu | Resources | Vehicle 

Manage vehicles from the Main Menu | Resources | Vehicle menu

Vehicle Types

Vehicle types are created first.   Learn more about Vehicle types Here


To add a new vehicle to the fleet

  • From the Main Menu | Resources | Vehicles menu, click the + Vehicle button
  • Enter a Short code for this vehicle.  It could be the Registration Plate, or some other inhouse name that the vehicle is known by
  • There is a separate field for the registration plate if you want to use that
  • Select the vehicle type from the Vehicle type drop down list, 8 PAX van
  • If the vehicle you are adding is a trailer, please tick the tick box
  • Here is where you can configure the capacity of your vehicle:  Enter the number of client seats this vehicle will accommodate, and enter the capacity of bags, and bikes from their respective drop down lists also
  • Indicate which trail, or trails, this vehicle will be available on by ticking the trails on the right hand side 
Vehicle | Details

Specs tab

  • There are two freeform text fields for you to enter any text which might be relevant to this vehicle, for your internal records.
  • Your vehicle image can be dragged and dropped into place.  This image is purely for your own internal usage, and is not used in external communications to your client.  
Vehicle | Specs


Vehicle | Details

The  Status field can be changed to cancelled (e.g if the vehicle is no longer in your fleet) or checked.

From the colour drop down list, select the  colour you would like this vehicle to be displayed in calendars.  NOTE: this update process is being performed on the server, and will take a few minutes to flow thru ALL records.

To edit an existing vehicle

  • Click once on a vehicle in the vehicle list to edit it

Vehicle Planning

This feature is coming soon!

Ad hoc Search Vehicle Movement

This search enables you to find vehicle relocation and storage records, by date

Learn more about this search Here