Where are they now?

Occasionally, it's important to know where your clients are at any given point in time.

Perhaps there has been a natural event of some type (like an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or an unexpected route closure), a family emergency, or a significant national event like a major change in COVID-19 alert levels, or helicopters aren't flying today.

You need to know where your customers are on a specific trail, now!   

Having all these details in one place assists with emergency management and organisation when organising transport, talking with accommodation providers, track operators and clients. 

Odyssey provides you with a way of finding this information out, quickly.

Where are they now?  

To find out the locations of groups on a specific date, from the Main Menu | Depot | Diary menu, click Where are they now?

Main Menu } Depot | Diary | Where are they now?
Making selections to find your groups

From the filter panel on the right hand side, you can navigate to a different day by using the left and right arrows, or by clicking on the calendar icon in the date field to zoom to another date

The list can be filtered, to make it shorter, by selecting a specific trail from the the  Trails dropdown list, or the District drop down list

A specific provider in that district or trail, or the provider type can be changed by making selections from those drop down lists.  For example, if you are looking for a Helicopter Provider's bookings, choose Transfer, or Activity, whatever you use in your organisation for Helicopter flights.

The list is sorted by the District | Provider Name | Booking Code.

You are presented with a Provider list showing each trip code which is "out" at this point in time, along with what day of their trip they are currently on, the district, the provider, a contact phone number for that provider, a time they are expected at that provider, the number of people in their group, and the staff member/guide if that's applicable.  Released trips are listed in black, and unreleased trips in grey.  

You are presented with a Provider list showing each trip code which is "out" at this point in time, along with what day of their trip they are currently on, the district, the provider, a contact phone number for that provider, a time they are expected at that provider, the number of people in their group, and the staff member.  Only "released" trips are listed.

Here you can navigate to a different day by using the left and right arrows, or by clicking on the calendar icon in the date field to zoom to another date

The list can be filtered, to make it shorter, by going to the Trails to Display list, and unticking or ticking a specific trail 

The provider type can be changed by choosing a different provider type from the drop down list.  For example, if you are looking for a Helicopter Provider's bookings, choose Transfer, or Activity, whatever you use in your organisation.

  • Click on the "Summary records" button at the right hand end of each booking to obtain a view of the bookings and contact details of that group 
A single click in the peach coloured field provides a summary view of the Departure
    • A list of the bookings on this departure appears, showing their contact details

  • Double click in the Summary info space, and you are taken to a Client Booking sheet. Learn more about this paperwork option Here