Create an Itinerary

The Itinerary is one of the Paperwork options; it can be created at Reservation team level, or viewed the Depot level.  The Itinerary can be created for everyone on the Departure, or just for individual bookings.

Learn more about paperwork Here

The Itinerary can be printed, or stored and emailed to the client using the email tab

To learn how to SET UP the Itinerary (eg: where & how to populate the Provider info), learn more Here

To learn more about how to create the .pdf itinerary, store it, download or email it, click Here, or view our Webinar on Itineraries, Here

The Itineraries text content and settings are initially set up on each individual Master, as well as at Provider and Provider product, Movement, and Depot, Routes and Shuttle's settings.  When a Departure is created it pulls through the itinerary content from all of those locations.  The content can then be added to and modified at Departure level - within the Departure and Booking level, and also in the Itinerary creation carousel.  

At Departure level

Individual Movements such as shuttles, bag, transport, etc.  can be turned on or off, and have additional notes added directly in the itinerary

Morning and Afternoon Text and end of day locations can be turned on or off, and edited, directly in the itinerary.  The headings can be customised too.

Welcome text and Footer text, can be edited or added to, directly in the Itinerary

Inclusion text can be turned on or off, and can be edited or added to, directly in the Itinerary

Providers can be turned on or off, and have additional text added for this departure, in italics, above the regular Provider text,

the order of events can be controlled by the time each event is set for, and displaying the time can be turned on or off

Create an Itinerary

The Departure | Paperwork tab, showing the Itinerary option
  1. From the Departure | Paperwork tab, select Itinerary

2.  You will be offered the option of either creating itineraries for each individual client/booking on this departure, or creating an itinerary for the Departure level.  

  • Putting a tick on a client name/s will activate the Client button to proceed.  This creates a personalised itinerary for the selected  client, based on the selections made at Booking level.
  • Alternatively, Click the Departure button to produce an Itinerary for the entire Departure, based on Departure level selections.

3.  You will be taken directly to the top of the Itinerary for either the individual client, or the Departure

The Itinerary review stage

To customise the Itinerary

  • ANY element can be hidden from the final itinerary, simply by clicking on the show button, to switch it to hide

  • Text fields can be clicked into directly to edit text to make it more relevant to your client's adventure, or to expand/condense space to improve the look of the document
The itinerary text can be edited, live in the Itinerary

  • When you reach the section of the Itinerary where each day's activities are listed, the itinerary becomes a "carousel" 
The Itinerary "Carousel"
  • Navigate to each daily item by clicking on the right or left arrows.  Each daily item can be shown or hidden, provider text modified, time changed, notes and labels edited.

  • or, for an even faster and very accurate way to navigate to the correct daily entry on the carousel, use the Timeline panel
Zoom to another part of the Itinerary by clicking on the timeline
  • the timeline is a scrollable list of each record in the carousel.  If an item turned on, it will be listed in orange, if it's turned off, it will be in grey, and the show icon will be struck out.  Each night's accommodation will also display the end of day daily location, to help you navigate your way.
  • Simply click on any item to jump straight to it!
  • The item can then be edited as required