Client ad hoc search

Ad hoc searching is a very powerful feature within Odyssey, whereby you can investigate almost any aspect of your data.  This Client search allows you to find demographic data of clients on departures/trips.

In the scenario below, we are going to use the Client Ad hoc searching function to find how many Australian females in our database are return customers.  Of course, your search could be for any of a range of criteria.

  • From the Main Menu | Clients | select Ad hoc search - by Departure
Client Ad hoc Search

  • Enter your search criteria using the drop down lists, and add more criteria by using the green + button

Enter the search criteria

  • Click the Find button
  • Your results are listed, along with the number of records found
The found records
  • Use the sort button to sub total your data into various categories
Sorting the search results

  • The data can now be exported into a .tsv format by clicking the Export button
the .tsv file opened in Excel

  • To learn more about exporting your search results to .tsv format, click here