Provider List

From the Main Menu | Providers | List a full list of all providers is available

A provider is a business which provides a service such as accommodation, activity, transport, meals or other services to your client.

The list displays the Provider name, whether it is a favourite provider, the district and city, phone number, main contact, and email address.

Main Menu | Provider | List

Opening and Managing Provider records

Click once on a provider record to open and manage the Provider.

To learn more about creating and managing providers, click here


The Provider list can be filtered to suit your own requirements, by clicking on the filter button on the Options Panel to the right

Filtering options include Trail, Provider type, district, city, country, favourite, and status,

Filtering the Provider list

Filter the Provider list to meet your own requirements

2.  From the following drop down boxes, make your selections 

Provider Type

Choose from Accommodation, Activity, Transport, Meal, or other


Choose from Active or Archived 


Choose a district from your own list of districts


Choose a country from your own list of countries.  This is a required field.  


Choose whether you would just like your favourite providers listed, or all regular providers


Select Individual trails to display


Use the clear button where it is available, to clear any settings, and return to "all"

3.  Making these settings your favourites :-)

Mark any favourites <3 and then reload them if you have made other selections

Simply click on the heart button to make these filters your favourite selections, so next time you log in, these are the filters that will automatically be in place.  You will get a message advising your that your favourite filters have been saved. :-)

You can come back to the filter menu any time, and choose different filters to enable you to search for any other random things.  And afterwards you can always "reload" your favourites! Just click on the two circular arrows, and your   saved favourite filters are back!

4.  What filters do you have in place?

Now that you have made your filter selections, when you close out of the filter window, note that the Provider List reflects those selections you have made

5.  Exporting the list

Sort your list into whatever order you wish, and click the export button (a box with an arrow coming out of it).  Learn more about managing .tsv files Here.

6.  To learn about the View all button, click Here

Editing Multiple Provider records at a time

To learn how to enter or update multiple provider records quickly, learn more here