Create and Manage Providers

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Create New Provider






Wholesale Rates





To create a new Provider

  • Go to Providers | List from the Main Menu

    To learn more about the Providers List, click here

Create a New Provider from the Main Menu | Providers | List | New button

  • Click the New Button
Select the type of provider from the drop down list
  • Enter the Description (Name) of your new Provider
  • Select the Provider Type from the drop down list.  To learn more about provider types, click Here
  • Click Create


Tick the box beside favourite if this Provider is a well used and enjoyed provider.  (This doesn't treat the provider any differently within Odyssey, it is just a 'tag' for your reference.  The Provider list can be sorted by favourites, to make them easier to find.)

Type an email address for this Provider, and ensure it gets the tick that it is a valid email address

Type in the Provider's phone number

From the Type drop down list, change the Provider type if it wasn't entered correctly in the previous stage.  The type of providers you have in this drop down list is determined by your Provider Type settings Here

Type the name of the Main Contact, along with the Owner's names.  

The Status button can be switched between Active and Inactive, to indicate if this is a provider who is still currently used 

Provider | Details page

Notes - Office   

The Office Notes Screen on a Provider record can provide you with a quick way to see if there's something IMPORTANT that need to be identified about this Provider when making a Departure - for example, if a business is closed on some days of the week, or doesn't operate during a particular period, or is closed for renovations.

If you put a tick on "Display during Booking", then when selecting this provider at Departure or Booking level, a pop up note will appear for three seconds, advising the Reservations staff of the text in this note. 

If you don't include the tick on "Display during Booking", then this field simply serves as an Office note, regarding this Provider.

The Office note being displayed when making a booking


Provider | Address details

Enter address and phone number for the Provider

It's important to include the town on Address Line 2, as that gets printed on the itinerary

and always populate the Location field, as that ensures that this provider will be available on drop down lists for this district

Enter the URL of their website.  Clicking the Web button will take you directly to the provider website, in a separate tab in your browser.

Enter the URL you wish to use to check booking availability.  Learn more about this Here

From the Drop down list, select a District.  The District field populates the drop down menus for what providers are available at that location when making a Departure or Booking.  (It is essential to complete the district, in order for this provider to be "found" in the drop down lists when creating Masters, Departure, and Bookings)

Clicking on the Map button will take you to that location in Google Maps 

Click on the Map button to go to that location in Google Maps 

Latitude and Longitude coordinates can be obtained by pressing the GET button.  Having these coordinates helps with providing distances between locations.

Click the GET button to create Geo co-ordinates using the address details

Specify which Trails this Provider is available on, by putting a tick on the trail.  The Apply All button can be used to then apply those trail selections to all the providers you currently have selected.

Tick the manual address button if this address is to be used for Bag Transfers


Any departures booked with this Provider can be viewed in the Departures tab.  

To reduce the size of the Provider's Departure list, you can filter this list by Active, Cancelled, or Deleted Status.   (This feature has been removed 26/9/24)

View Departures for this provider, and filter by status

The status of the booking with the provider can be changed by selecting a status from the drop down menu

View Departures for this provider, and change the status

Speed tips:

  • Go directly to the Departure by clicking on it in the list
  • Go directly to the Bookings on the Departure by double clicking the Departure


To learn more about Provider Products, click Here


To learn more about Provider Rates, click  Here

Movement Info


Select a bag movement route and product from the drop down list.  This determines the rate for any bag movements to this provider.  If that rate affects movements TO and FROM the provider, then tick that box also.   This rate can be changed at Tour level if required.

If this Provider provides a Last Day drop off service, tick that box.  Doing this will give you a shortened list of providers, when looking for a last day drop off provider.

Tick the  Pickup available field if this provider offers a pickup service

Provider | Movement info

If this Provider is going to Provide custom shuttle/transport services to you, ensure the tick boxes for Move Clients and or bike, or Move bags, are ticked. This way the provider will appear in the custom shuttle's provider drop down list/

Tick these boxes if the Provider is providing a custom shuttle/transfer service to you


The notes area is a key component to communications within Odyssey, whether that's to your clients, or your own staff.

Notes - Office:  These notes are purely for your own internal reference, and will never be used in external communications. If this note is important to see each time you make a booking with this provider, put a tick above the note.

This note will then pop up like this each time you make a booking using this provider

Notes - Driver:  Record any notes that are driver specific, e.g. bags are stored under the main reception counter.

Learn more about Itinerary construction  Here


Bulk emails can be sent to this provider for combined groups, and history viewed, via the Provider | emails tab.   

To view email history for a Provider

  • From the Main Menu | Provider | list, click on a Provider, and navigate to the Emails tab
  • Email history for this provider can be viewed in this screen. 
    • It lists a subject line, MailJet ID, the date sent, who the sender was, the time, and what Merge tabs were included in the email.  

Learn more about sending Bulk / pre season emails to Providers here

Learn more about sending emails Here