Provider - Products and Rates

A Provider usually offers many different Products, or variations of a Product.  Odyssey stores the details of these Products, for use in Departures, and also stores unlimited Rate values for each Product.   Rate are SEASONAL, and are DATE based, so there can be different rates for each product, depending on the period in question.  For example, a provider might give you different rates for one season; one for peak season, low season, and specials.

Rates are Retail, Wholesale, inclusive & exclusive of the Provider's tax rate.  And there are 5 variations of each.


What is a Product?

The  Provider | Product could be the type of room that the Provider offers, (in the case of Accommodation Providers), or for Other Activity Providers, it could be an activity such as the Penguin colony visit. 

The providers product list shows you the Product Description, the sort order of the product, the MAX PAX, how many of these products/rooms are available, and the bed configurations/counts.  

Description A tick will appear if the description of this product has been selected to show on the Itinerary

Time A tick will appear if the check in time for this product has been selected to show on the Itinerary

Image A camera icon will appear if an image of this product has been selected to show on the Itinerary

Mobile App icon - this displays which selected icon for this product is used in the Itinerary

Provider | Products

Add a Product to a Provider

  • by clicking the + Product button
  • a message will appear reminding you that once you have finished making selections for this new product, if wish to record Price Details, please close this window and move to the Prices tab for this Provider|Product, where you will find the option to add prices

  • you will be delivered to the Provider | Product | Details | Details tab

Provider | Product | Details | Details tab

Provider | Product | Details | Details tab

For each product, enter 

  • description for this Product, e.g. Luxury Suite, or Queen room
  • a check in time; a Provider Product time will be used if it exists; the Provider time if it does not
  • The status field can be changed to Active, or Archived
  • the Maximum number of guests (occupancy_ in this room
  • How many rooms of this description are available 
  • The sort order, which determines where the position that product appears in the list of products for this Provider
  • Website link: If this product has it's own URL, it can be included here, and it will show on the itinerary

Provider | Product | Details | Price settings

Provider | Product | Details | Price settings

  • An internal general ledger account code for this product (where in your set of accounts it will be costed to)

Provider | Product | Details | Accommodation

Provider | Product | Details | Accommodation
  • Enter the number of possible bed combinations in this product, King, Queen, Double, King Single, Bunks

Provider | Product | Notes

Provider | Product | Notes
  • Office notes are for your internal communications, e.g. this room is cold in winter, or the room is heavily booked in peak season, or: Generally fully booked during peak season, must be booked pre-season if required

Itinerary | Content

Provider | Product | Itinerary Content

Itinerary text

A COPY of this text is editable on Departures and/or bookings

Enter any text which is specific to this Provider Product, for inclusion in the Itinerary.

Enter a time sequence for this record to display on the Itinerary and App. It does not have to be displayed on the Itinerary, but can be used purely for sequencing events. E.g. check in time might be 3pm, but you don't want that to be displayed before the dinner bookings for the client. You would want the time sequence to be set to say 9 pm, and not to show on the Itinerary.

Display on the Itinerary

Tick the tickbox if you want the Itinerary Description to be displayed on the Itinerary by default

Tick the tickbox if you want the check in time for this product to be displayed on the Itinerary by default

Mobile App icon

From the drop down list, choose which Icon will be used for this Product in the Mobile App.

Itinerary | Image

Itinerary | Image

Choose a suitable picture (from the Provider's website perhaps) to display on the Itinerary and Mobile App for this product. it will be resized to a max 450w x 300h pixesl, automatically

Click the Push to App button for this image

Duplicating Products

Beside each product line is a Duplicate Products button

Learn more about this topic Here


Because each Product will have a rate, which is date sensitive, you will first be asked to enter the a date range for the price of the product.

  • Enter a date in the Rate STARTS from.. field and a date in the Rate ENDS on.. field
  • Select a season from the drop down list
  • Enter a date in the Date Notified field
  • click CONTINUE

Provider rates are date specific, as a Provider might notify you of a low season special, or a school holiday rate in any given season.  So, a season can have multiple rates.     For each of the products that you have created in the Products screen, create new RATES for each SEASON.  

To add a new rate

  • Navigate to the Rates tab for this Provide

After creating the product, if you find you have "+ Dates" where you would like to enter prices:

  • click the + Dates button at the bottom of the screen
Adding a new date range for a product rate
  • select the season from the drop down list, and then enter the start date and end date of this price point using the calendar tools
  • enter the date notified
  • click Continue

At this point you can now enter $values in the spaces

  • First, ensure that the correct season and price effectivity date is selected from the top right of the screen
  • Enter the rates in the spaces available for 2 PAX, 1 PAX, Extras, Child fields  (Enter the figure as numeric only, e.g. 150.00.  Do not use a leading $ or commas)
  • Prices can be entered Inclusive or Exclusive of GST, just click on the appropriate radio button to define your choice
Provider | Prices, showing seasonal selection

Split rate

The split rate field in this area is for Reservation staff to be able to quickly provide the cost per guest, if the room rate is to be split across multiple people.  

Provider Product split rate calculation

When making bookings, Reservation staff can select a 'Split' Rate.  Odyssey will calculate on the fly what the rate to use is, based on the 2Pax price & the number of 'Extras' required to make it match the selected Pax per room they select, then divide it evenly by the number of Pax that have been selected in the Booking.

An example is:

Reservation staff are making a booking for 5 people, to share a room.  The room rate is $280 for 2 people, but has a maximum capacity of accommodating 5 people.   Three more people are going to book into the same room as Extras.

2-Bed Unit (5pax) = $280 + 40 + 40 + 40 / 5 = $80 each

NOTE:  The ' Extra' rate must use EXACTLY the same:

  • Season
  • Effectivity Start
  • Effectivity End
  • Notification Date

In order for the Split Rates to calculate.

Entering wholesale rates

The wholesale price is the price charged to your business for a product - as opposed to what is charged to your clients

Note:  This is the only place that the wholesale rate is used in Odyssey.  The Wholesale values are not used in any financial reporting.

Enter Provider Wholesale rates by clicking the Wholesale button

Click the Wholesale button at the bottom of the Provider | Rates screen

You are taken to another screen which lists each product you have listed for this provider,

Provider wholesale rates

Retail rates are listed for each product, along with blank spaces (or 0.00) for the Wholesale (W/S) rate.  

Click in the space for each wholesale rate, and enter the wholesale price, e.g. 135.00

How to add a "Special Rate"

Occasionally a Provider might provide you with a rate for one product, for a short period.  

Navigate to the Provider Product Rates screen, and click on the product that is being on special

Select the PAX rate, then enter the new Incl Cost price  (The Ex Tax price will be calculated)

Enter the start and end dates for this special, along with the date notified.  


This will create a new date range record, just for this product.  You do not need to add records for other room types/products for that date range.

Odyssey will pick the correct rate at Departure and Booking level based on the  start and end date of rate records, and the rate notification date.

You don't need to have all the rates "visible" in the Provider Rates screen for the new date range.

Multiple rate indicator

If you see a message in orange which says "NOTE: This provider has multiple Price Effectivity Dates entered.  Where values are empty, alternate prices will apply, if they exist."   

This means two things: 

a)  If there are multiple Price Effectivity Dates entered for this product, for this season, a star will appear beside a product rate, where there are multiple prices for that product for that season. Simply select a different period from the Display selections panel, "Rates effective from" drop down list to view the differing rates.

b) If any values are empty, there may be alternative pricing records for those products using different effectivity dates than the date selected.  If other rates do exist, they will be used when making a booking for this Provider Product.