Booking - Movement

Once a Booking for your client has been created, you can customise their Movements.

A movement can be in relation to People (e.g. Shuttle movement), bikes, custom shuttles, bags, or vehicles.

Learn more about movement types Here

The movement information on a Booking has been pulled through from the Movement tab on the Departure, and also from the Daily Locations screen that has been previously populated.  

To move quickly to one of the movement types, click below:

Shuttle Movements

Bike Movements

Custom Movements

Bag Movements

Vehicle Movements

The following screens all have some common elements

Refreshing the Booking from the Departure

If you have made changes you aren't happy with, and wish to reset this Booking's movement records with those from the Departure, click the Refresh from Departure (Trip) button.

Note:  existing records on this Booking are replaced using this function

Starting over

If you don't want to use the Departure level records, or have made changes you aren't happy with, and wish to start over with no Movements at all, click the Start over button

3 Day View

For a full schedule of any movements on this Departure, click the 3 day view button 

This 3-Day view, provides the Res team person a quick view of all the clients on a Departure... in order to double check everyone has the right selections. The arrows at the top allow for moving between Booking days.

The columns relate to EACH day.  

You can click on ANY of those date/client record fields and add a note directly from there... This note will transpose onto any appropriate paperwork.

SPEED TIP: From this view, new records can be added by clicking into a specific day.  This opens up the a new "movement" window for you to complete.  Then once you have completed this for one booking on a departure, you can fill down this selection from the TOP ROW client, onto all Clients on this Departure, by clicking on the fill down button

The small green square icon to the left of the booking record indicates that the booking has been confirmed.  Each Odyssey client has their own colour coding system to indicate the booking status.  Learn more about your company colours  Here


The Shuttle tab shows people movements via a shuttle from one location to another, the date and time of the shuttle movement, the name of the shuttle driver, the charge type, the number of clients from this Departure on this sector, the number of hire and / or own bikes, whether the transfer is to be charged, and a space for office notes.  These shuttle movements form part of the itinerary.

To create booking level shuttle movements

Remember before attempting to make shuttle or bike movements at Booking Level, they must have been previously set up at Departure level, as in this example below

Step 1

  • On the Booking | Movement | Shuttle tab for each client, click on the orange + in the Client column. 

Step 2

  • In the pop up window that appears, ensure that the correct rate option is selected (i.e. Adult rate), then close the window

Note:  If there are already bookings on this shuttle movement from other departures, there will also be an "In use" tab.  Learn more Here

  • Change the charge rate by clicking on the option drop down list, and selecting a different rate
  • Click the override button if you wish to override the standard rate
  • Tick charge for this item if the customer is to be charged for this shuttle movement
  • On the Notes tab, enter any Notes.  The Notes field is a transitional field.  Click into the field once to enter Office Notes.Click on  Notes - Driver, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Notes for the driver.  These notes appear on the driver manifestClick on  Notes - Itinerary, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Itinerary Notes.  These notes appear on the Itinerary which goes to the client.Click on  Notes - Finance, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Finance Notes.  These are internal notes for your finance team.
  • To delete the shuttle movement, click the grey minus icon at the top right of the window

When you have made the required changes, click the x button

  • green tick will appear where the orange + sign was, to indicate that this client is now booked on this shuttle, and the Client shuttle count will increase by 1 automatically.  Note that any counts are for this Departure only.  Other departures using the same shuttle movements are not counted here.

  • Now the total client shuttle count will include a shuttle movement for all bookings on this departure
  • Repeat for all Shuttles on this departure, for this booking, so that every shuttle has a green tick
  • If all of your bookings are using the same shuttle, click the Apply to All button

If you have messed up the shuttle movements, and wish to start again

  • click the Start Over button

Bike Movements

The Bike tab shows bike movements via a shuttle from one location to another, the date and time of the shuttle movement, the name of the shuttle driver, the charge type, the number of clients from this Departure on this sector, the number of hire and / or own bikes, whether the transfer is to be charged, and a space for office notes.  These bike movements form part of the itinerary.

To create booking level bike movements

Remember before attempting to make shuttle or bike movements at Booking Level, they must have been previously set up at Departure level.  Any bike movements required will need to have been set up as a shuttle movement also.

To include a Bike movement, where there isn't one: 

Step 1

  •  On the Booking | Movement | Shuttle tab for each client, click on the orange + in the Bike column. 

Step 2

  • In the pop up window that appears, ensure that the correct Movement Product is selected (i.e. Hire Bike, or Own Bike), then close the window

  • green tick will appear where the orange + sign was, to indicate that this client's bike is now booked on this shuttle, and the Bike movement count will increase by 1 automatically.  Note that any counts are for this Departure only.  Other departures using the same shuttle/bike movements are not considered here.

  • Repeat for all Bike movements for this booking, so that every bike movement that's required has a green tick

or, use the fill down button to populate the bike movement product record that is on the first line, to every existing bike record on this booking.  Note that the fill down button does not create new bike records, and it will not function if the first movement product is empty. 

  • If all of your bookings are using the same bike movements, click the Apply to All button

  • Now the total bike movement count will include a bike movement for all bookings on this departure

TIP:  If one of the group us using a different bike movement rate, e.g. in our example, if one member is bringing their own bike, change the Movement Product on that bike movement to Bike Transfer - Own

To edit/customise a bike movement for this client

  • Hover over the "Bike movement" record until it appears orange, then click to edit it

  • Change the charge rate by clicking on the Movement product drop down list, and selecting a different rate
  • Click the override button if you wish to override the standard rate
  • Tick charge for this item if the customer is to be charged for this shuttle movement
  • On the Notes tab, enter any Notes.  The Notes field is a transitional field.  Click into the field once to enter Office Notes. Click on   Notes - Driver, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Notes for the driver.  These notes appear on the driver manifest Click on   Notes - Itinerary, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Itinerary Notes.  These notes appear on the Itinerary which goes to the client. Click on   Notes - Finance, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Finance Notes.  These are internal notes for your finance team.
  • To delete the bike movement, click the minus icon at the top right of the window


When a standard Shuttle time or date does not match the needs of a group booking, Custom Shuttles can be created and charged for.  This provides the flexibility to meet the needs of the group booking. These are generally a private shuttle with no other 'non' group people able to book on it. 

If there are no Departure level Custom Shuttle movements, a note will appear at the bottom of this screen to indicate that.

If there is a custom shuttle movement at Departure level, it will display here, and can be edited.

To edit a custom shuttle movement for this client

  • Click once on an existing shuttle movement entry to edit it
  • Change the day of this shuttle movement by cllcking on the date drop down list and selecting a different date
  • Change the charge rate by clicking on the option drop down list, and selecting a different rate
  • Change the route by clicking on the Product drop down list and making a different selection
  • Tick charge for this item if the customer is to be charged for this custom shuttle movement
  • Enter any Notes.  The Notes field is a transitional field.  Click into it once to enter Office Notes. Click on   Notes - Driver, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Notes for the driver.  These notes appear on the driver manifest Click on   Notes - Itinerary, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Itinerary Notes.  These notes appear on the Itinerary which goes to the client. Click on   Notes - Finance, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Finance Notes.  These are internal notes for your finance team.
  • To delete the custom shuttle movement, click Delete


(eg:  Bags/Luggage) can be moved from one location to another, automatically matching a client's accomodation.  

The bag movements are initially set at Departure level to suit the majority of the group, and can then be changed on each individual booking record, to suit the individual's needs.  

To add a new bag movement

  • Click the + Bag button

  • You will be prompted to choose a Bag Movement category.  Select a bag movement category from the Category drop down list.  Learn more about bag movement categories Here  

  • Select a movement rate, e.g. rural, from the Movement Rate drop down list
  • Change the date from the calendar tool if required
  • Change the To and From locations from the drop down lists, if required.  (Click the Show All button to reveal the full list of locations, if required)
  • Select the number of bags from the Bag Quantity drop down list
  • Enter the Rate to be charged in the Rate field
  • Tick charge for this item if the customer is to be charged for this bag movement
  • Enter any Notes.  The Notes field is a transitional field.  Click into it once to enter Office Notes.

Click on   Notes - Driver, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Notes for the driver.  These notes appear on the driver manifest

Click on   Notes - Itinerary, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Itinerary Notes.  These notes appear on the Itinerary which goes to the client.

Click on   Notes - Finance, and then the Notes field changes for you to enter Finance Notes.  These are internal notes for your finance team.

  • To delete the bag movement, click Delete
  • To make a copy of this bag movement, if there is a similar movement, click the Duplicate button, then edit the duplicate

To apply the changes you have made here to all bookings on this Departure

  • click the Apply to all button

Once the Depot staff have generated a bag run for a particular day (doing this "sequences" the run, either using the Geo locations, or by manually resequencing the bag movements), there will be a small orange number indicating the sequence of each individual bag movement at Booking level.

This is an important indicator to you that if you add or change a bag movement now, you may cause the Depot staff some disruption, as they have already planned this bag run. Contact the Depot to let them know of the change you have made.


Vehicles can be stored for 'x' of days, or relocated from one location to another, as part of an itinerary.

Vehicle movements are initially populated at Booking level, using vehicle movements from the Master record.

The vehicle movements can then be changed on each individual booking record, to suit the individual's needs, and booking level vehicle movements are then SUMMARISED on the Departure | Movement | vehicle page

To add a vehicle movement at booking level

  • Click the + Single Day, or + All days button

  • Select a vehicle movement type, e.g. Vehicle Storage or Vehicle Relocation, from the Type drop down list
  • Change the date of this vehicle movement from the calendar tool (or arrows) if required
  • Select a product, e.g. Route/Sector, or Daily - Secure,  from the Product drop down list
  • Enter the time for the vehicle relocation
  • Enter vehicle details; make, colour, rego
  • If desired, select the driver who will do the vehicle relocation
  • Enter the Rate to be charged in the Rate field, or use the override function to override the standard cost
  • Tick charge for this item if the customer is to be charged for this bag movement


  • Enter or amend any Office Notes
  • Enter or amend any message for the Driver into Driver Notes.  The Driver notes appear on the driver manifest
  • Enter or amend any Notes for the Itinerary
  • To delete the vehicle movement, click the grey minus button

To edit a vehicle movement

  • Click once on the line entry you wish to edit

To apply the changes you have made here to all bookings on this Departure

  • click the Apply to all button