Masters - Quality

Let's talk about Quality settings in Masters / Packages, as they have quite an impact on how your Departures / Trips are populated.

Tip: Quality is a function which the view to can be turned on/off at Master level. Learn more about Master views here

There are a couple of different ways that Masters can be created in relation to quality settings.

Option 1:

Create a Master which is very general in terms of quality, (e.g. A20 Plus) and populate it with a range of quality Provider settings for accommodation and activities, e.g. Economy, Standard, Superior accommodation and activity options. 

Option  2:

Create a Master with a very specific quality Description, (e.g. A20 Plus Standard quality).   In this case, add accommodation and activity options, but remove the quality setting beside each option.  

We will explain more below:

But first, let's look at how provider quality settings work:

Each Provider PRODUCT (that could be a room, or an activity) can have a Quality Assigned to it.  But it doesn't have to.  

The quality setting on a Provider record

When Reservations staff create a Departure from a Master, (regardless of what Quality Departure they choose)

  • FIRSTLY Odyssey will add to the Departure any Provider options with a "neutral' quality setting (e.g Nothing in the quality field) defined in the master
  • THEN it will instantly add to this Departure any other Provider options defined within the master that matches the quality setting defined when the Departure was created.
  • So, if the Reservation staff create a new Departure and define it as a Superior level Departure, firstly Odyssey will add any room or activity options from the Master that DON'T have a quality option defined, and then, it will add any SUPERIOR room or activity options defined in that Master.

Option 1 - Create a Master which has multiple quality entries 

This approach has the benefit of reducing the number of Masters you have in your list, and the Reservation team can then  reduce the provider options in each Departure by choosing a Departure quality

Your Master might be called "A2O", and will have lots of quality options for room and activities, for each day, something like this:  (Your quality options might say something else, such as Economy, Standard, or Superior)

A Master Accommodation Provider record, showing multilple quality options

Note that on this Master, Day 1 has a Comfort quality rating, and a Superior Comfort rating.  So does Day 2, and Day 3.  This means that if the Reservation staff choose a Departure quality of Comfort, all 3 days in the Departure will be populated.

When the reservation staff create a Departure/Trip from this Master, they define the quality of the Departure from the drop down list.  

Departures can be created using a 'quality 'selection, limiting the Provider options to that quality

In this instance, for example if the Reservation staff define the trip as Superior

  • FIRSTLY Odyssey will add to the Departure any 'neutral' quality setting (e.g No quality entries) provider options that might be defined in the master 
  • THEN it will add to this departure any other Provider options defined as Superior within the master.  It will not automatically bring through other quality options, such as Standard, or Economy.

So, in this instance, ONLY the superior penguin viewing Activity record might be pulled through, even though the master might have four different penguin activity quality options

It will not pull through to the Departure, any options from the Master which are not Superior.

If you were to create a Departure with a quality level of Superior, but Days 3 and 4 of the Master had Standard level accommodation settings, those days would not be automatically populated in the Departure; you would have to enter them in manually.

Option 2 - Create a Master with a very specific quality description 

This option has the advantage of having very specific quality rated Masters

In this scenario, you could create one Master for each quality version of each package that you sell.  We recommend in this case that you don't specify a quality rating for your Provider options.  Leave the quality rating field blank.  

Then, all the provider options in this Master will be pulled through automatically, to your Departure.  They can, because it is a very tailored quality based Master.

Using a Custom Master, with no Provider options included

You may have a custom master set up, in order to fully customise a trip for a client.  In this scenario, it is likely that the Master will be extremely blank, with no preset Provider options.  

When creating a Departure based off a master like this, the Reservations team can make quality changes to a Provider, on a specific Accommodation Date pop-up window by selecting the tickbox, 'By Quality' and the Providers who are in the same District on that date, and have the same Quality selected (as the Quality box ON THAT DAY'S POPUP WINDOW - not the Trip setting) will show in the Provider drop down list.

Otherwise the dropdown list defaults to all Providers in that days district

And finally there is the 'Show All' button, if they need to see every option for that TRAIL.

Making provider selections on a Departure, based on quality