How to set up for the Mobile App

The Mobile App is an Advanced Module

Creative Technology manage the connection to the Mobile App on your behalf.

You have the ability to manage some settings, and District information, and of course, the ability to push each Itinerary through to your clients.

Learn about pushing the Itinerary through to your clients here

The mobile app provides more than Itinerary information from Odyssey.

It can also include links to your own internal storage solution (We call this the Customer Information Platform, CIP) for general trail information, weather details, and maps. As these are specific to Trails/Countries/Categories (L1) , they are managed from Odyssey's admin settings for Trails/Countries/Categories (L1)

The Customer Information Platform holds pages that you can populate with all sorts of "added value" information to your client; trail info such as gradients, track conditions, sustainability information, emergency contact info, links to videos on how to change a tyre, shopping for products you sell!

Our clients have said they referred to ‘Ody’ every day to check out all the information they needed the following day.  Features like the weather was great which made their planning for the day easier in terms of what to wear and what to prepare for if the weather changed. They liked being able to read the details about where they were eating and the directions were sufficient to get us to our destination.  There was always the map feature to refer to if necessary.  It was great to have the phone number, host name and what meals were being provided and check-in and check-out time at accommodation.  Reading what facilities were provided at the accommodation was helpful, eg swimming pool, hot tub etc.  Another feature was having places of interest to visit along the cycle route, , with the km stated to our accommodation. And finally under ‘General’ we found everything we needed to know for our trail, eg trail section info, gradients, trail condition updates etc.  

Settings for CIP, Maps and Weather

  • from the Main Menu | Admin | Company Settings | Trails/Category/Country
  • Select a specific trail/category/country, e.g. the Alps to Ocean
  • Click on the Itinerary tab

Note: the weather will pull the DAILY LOCATION weather if it’s been populated, or it will take the L1 setting from here if it can’t find each day’s one.

Learn more about Trail | Itinerary settings here

Main Menu | Admin | Settings | Company Settings - 2 | Trails | Itinerary

Location/District info:

We will perform an initial push of all District information to the mobile platform, when you proceed with this module.

Any time you make a change to a Location's Itinerary Text or Photo, it is important to use the Mobile button on that District page, to push the new information to the Mobile Hosting server.

  • from the Main Menu | Admin | Company Settings | Locations | Itinerary & App | Image
  • Use the Mobile button to push that new information to the Mobile Hosting server.

Use the Push to App button to Push this new district text or photo to the mobile app

Note: The Push all to Mobile App bButton on the page that lists all the Districts will automatically push all Districts that have a photo to the Mobile App

District Directions

From the Main Menu | Admin | Company Settings | Locations | Itinerary & App | Directions tab, enter any text which will show on the app to describe directions to this district on the trail


Not all Masters may contain content that is relevant enough for use with the Mobile App; e.g. Walk-in Masters are possibly only single day, and a mobile itinerary is not required for these end customers.

Therefore, with the "Available on Mobile" button we give you the option of turning OFF the Push to Mobile App button on each individual master

From the Master | Daily | Itinerary tab, Enable or Disable each Master from being able to be pushed to the Mobile App


Each Provider Product has a button to push the details to the Mobile App, we will do this for you initially, but as you add products, remember to push the button to add that product to the mobile app platform.


ALL new images that are uploaded into Odyssey from mid October 2023 are being stored as a thumbnail size of 450w x 300h. Any images which were uploaded earlier than that date may be of a lower resolution.

While you are setting up for the mobile app, consider how you are going to let your clients know about the mobile app.

We recommend you set up or edit your MailJet template which advises clients about their Itinerary, to include some saved sections that we will provide you, about the Ody Trips app.

And then, unlink these sections and make them sections conditional, on whether the Itinerary has been pushed to the Ody Trips app. Because you don't want these blocks of text to appear if you haven't yet pushed the Itinerary to the app! Pushing the Itinerary to the app automatically creates a Reference, which in MailJet is called OdyTripsRef. The rule below works, to hide the section, if there is no OdyTripsRef on that Departure.

"Include this section ONLY IF OdyTripsRef does not equal HIDE"

The conditional section in MailJet which controls if the section on the Ody Trips app will show or not, based on if there is an OdyTripsRef

Customer Information Platform / General tab

If your business is going to use the Customer Information Platform to provide general information to your clients via the mobile app, the links to those are set up on the Admin | Settings| for each Trail/Location. Learn more here