Master - Daily

Master | Daily | Daily Locations

Daily Locations

Daily Location details have many uses:

  • Daily locations are the start and end locations for each day of the adventure.  Storing these shortens location / date based drop-down lists, so that only relevant options are presented to the person making the reservation.   This reduces scrolling time for reservations staff to find eg: a specific Provider, if needing to change one - because rather than needing to trawl through all (countrywide) providers, the Provider drop down list is narrowed down to only the providers on this Daily Location.  
  • Daily locations have the advantage of filtering all of your provider drop down lists for that day, to that location, so that your lists are shorter and easier to work with.
  • Daily locations appear in personalised Itinerary communication to Clients

+ Button 

This button will create a new record for each Day of the 'Trip', ready for specific locations to be entered.


Bike' District Start ➞ 'Bike' District End

These fields are purely for Client communication. For example it could be used on the client's itinerary or other communication with clients. It does not effect any data filtering. Note: the first part of these two field headings will be populated by the Terminology used / selected by your company. Eg: It could say: Bike / Kayak etc ...


Based on the Location names or their Latitude / Longitude values, the GoggleMaps API Distance calculation will populate the 'Driving' & 'Metric' distance between these two points.  This field is editable, so it is possible to replace any of these distances with different values, if that is required.

Include Days prior

If a -Day, e.g. -1, has been included on this Master, perhaps to provide Accommodation for a guide, or clients who require accommodation a night before their adventure begins, then a tickbox will appear for "include days prior". In any Departure based off this Master, by switching this tickbox on or off, there is the optional ability to include or exclude Prior Days in the trip's day count and description

Itinerary / Directions /SMS

Learn more about setting up the Itinerary Here

The Master | Daily Content | Itinerary / Directions /SMS screen displays text fields for each day's morning and afternoon descriptions and directions for the client's adventure, for inclusion in the Itinerary.  The text in the master will be pushed through to any Departure based on this master.   It can then be edited and tailored in the Departure. It also contains content for scheduled SMS texting to clients.

Master | Daily | / Directions / SMS text

Available on Mobile

Master | Available on Mobile button

At the top left of the page is a button to Enable or Disable each Master from being able to be pushed to the Mobile App. This because not all Masters may contain content that is relevant enough for use with the Mobile App; e.g. Walk-in Masters are possibly only single day, and a mobile itinerary is not required for these end customers.

Welcome and Finally text

At the top right of the page there are fields for you to enter welcome and footer text to be included in the itinerary.  This text is entered at the beginning and end of the document, under the headings of "Welcome", and "and Finally". Click the eyeball button to hide or show the welcome and footer text in Tours/Departures based off this Master.

Itinerary - AM and PM notes

To add or edit Itinerary text, change labels for each morning, afternoon, or end of day, change time sequence, and define if the item should be included in the Itinerary or not

  • Click once on any Daily Itinerary record, and a pop up window appears, where you are able to:
    • add edit the morning or afternoon text by clicking on the am or pm tab. A maximum of approx 500 characters can be used.  You will still have full control over this text in the Tours/Departures based off this Master, AND when you produce the itinerary :-)

    • create your own labels for morning, afternoon, and end of day

      Some customers like to use these to describe Daily activities, and then Snack options, for example, instead of Morning and Afternoon info.

      The end of day label could say "Spend the evening at"....

      and the final day "end of day" label could say "Your trip ends at" instead of "your day ends at" - you have the control!

    • you can also change the icons for these labels, from the drop down list beside each label
    • change the time sequence of this item. The time sequence defines the order of each item on the itinerary. Displaying the time is optional, when you create the Itinerary.
    • On some days you might prefer some fields to not display on the itinerary, if you don't have any relevant text to include - so empty fields don't appear. Simply take the tick off "Include", and then this field will not print on the Itinerary for this departure, on this day.
    • note that empty fields will be filled with a peach colour to indicate that the field is empty

    • update to tours will push all the content on this page to every tour based off this seasonal master. You will be advised: This process will REPLACE all of the [ 'AM' Content ] for the 24/25 Season, which MATCH these 'Start & End' Locations. Are you sure you want to continue?

    • Push am pm content to Tours

      • Click Day 1 (or the selected day) to push the content to all Day 1 records on Tours based on this master, for this season
      • Click ALL Days, to push the content to all days on Tours based on this master, for this season

  • If making Provider recommendations for Meals, etc, type the name of the provider normally in the AM/PM text content field,

Click on the "URL Links" and tell Odyssey what "ordinary text" to match to what "website address"

  • then in the URL links field, type the name again (we recommend you copy and paste it for the best results!) and beside that, type the Provider's URL/website address.

  • When this itinerary has been pushed to the Ody Trips App, the Providers names will then show as clickable links, like this below:

The meal provider names are now clickable links

End of Day

    • some days, (such as Guide only days for example) can be completely hidden from the Itinerary, and from the view the Clients see in the App.
    • update to tours will push all the content on this page to every tour based off this seasonal master. You will be advised: This process will REPLACE all of the [ 'End of Day' Content ] for the 24/25 Season, which MATCH these 'Start & End' Locations. Are you sure you want to continue?

      Push end of day content to Tours

      • Click Day 1 (or the selected day) to push the content to all Day 1 records on Tours based on this master, for this season
      • Click ALL Days, to push the content to all days on Tours based on this master, for this season

Sample Itinerary page, showing the customisable label 'Morning info" for the morning text, and the am Itinerary text for this day


A " Directions" document can be provided to your clients as part of Odyssey's Paperwork offerings, and allows you to provide directional instructions to your client to successfully navigate from the Provider to the trail and vice versa.  This document is available at Reservations and Depot level.

A sample Directions Document

Daily directions on the Mobile App

The Directions tab sits along side the Itinerary tab, to make it easy for you to copy and paste text from the Itinerary to the Directions Document, or vice versa, or just to compare the content of each field to ensure it makes sense. Learn more about the Directions document here

Adding Daily Directions Content

The Master | Daily Content | Directions tab contains fields which are used in the client's directions document and/or on the Mobile App; 

  • Each day of the Master has a field where you enter information regarding how to leave the District and connect to the trail 
  • (the second step in the direction instructions is how to get from the trail to the Provider, and that is set on the Provider record)

Sample Directions for Day 1
  • Directions welcome/header and footer text
Sample Directions header text


Odyssey also provides a facility for clients who use mapping technology such as "RidewithGPS", to insert links into the Daily Directions page, which will populate the Maps section of the Ody Trips app

  • On the Master | Daily | Directions tab, on each daily record click the pin icon for the Daily Map Route, a and enter the URL of the map for this day.
  • If you wish to use one URL which contains all the daily routes, that can be entered on the first day of the trip, and then use the "Apply to all days" button to copy that onto every daily record
  • Once data has been entered into this field, the pin will change to an orange colour to indicate that there is a record present
  • This map route will be available on the Ody Trip app on each day's Directions tab

Weather URL and Trail Map URL

At the bottom of the Master | Daily Content | Directions tab, there is a field for entering a Master specific Weather map URL, and another for entering a Master specific Trail Map URL.

If these fields are left empty, then those entered on the L1 (Trail/Activity) will be used instead.

Viewing the Map and Weather buttons data on the Mobile App:

On the main App view, looking at all of the days in a list view, those Map + Weather buttons will look for their data in this order:

1) Master / L2

2 ) Trail / L1

On the App, if you're viewing an individual day for WEATHER

1) Admin Settings | Location | Weather URL ( For the 'End-of-Day' Location )

2) Master / L2

3 ) Trail /  L1

On the App, if you're viewing an individual day for MAP

1) Daily Location Route - Map Icon/field thingie...

2) Master /  L2

3 ) Trail /  L1

Learn more about using our recommended weather URL here

Learn morre about mapping here

Learn more about setting up the Directions Document Here

SMS messages

This daily text can be sent as an SMS, on a once a day basis, at the time you specify. It can be modified at Departure level.

Learn more about SMS Texting here

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